Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.6 Tsumihoroboshi Download For Mac

Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.6 Tsumihoroboshi Download For Mac

TitleHigurashi When They Cry Hou – Ch.6 Tsumihoroboshi
Developer07th Expansion
Release DateJune 14th, 2018
GenreVisual Novel
PlatformPC, MAC
Age RatingN/A
Official Website

Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.6 Tsumihoroboshi recently released as the sixth chapter in the series and they all have Linux support. From what I understand, they're slight remasters over the original versions. They include both English and Japanese text as well as the option to choose the original or the updated character sprites. For Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Chapter 6: Tsumihoroboshi on the PC, GameFAQs has 15 cheat codes and secrets and 15 achievements.

Higurashi When They Cry Hou – Ch.6 Tsumihoroboshi (boy that’s a mouthful), is the latest chapter of the Higurashi When They Cry Hou series. These are based off the original Higurashi When They Cry series of visual novels, that have received a whole new translation and various other upgrades. The thought of playing the VN’s had crossed my mind from time to time, seeing as I’m a fan of the anime series, but now I’m finally getting to jump in head first. So was this game all I thought it would be?

Well, let’s get a negative out of the way first. Let’s just say I’m really glad that I got to play this game with the updated sprites. I think they’re a vast improvement over the previous character models that I’d seen while looking at the improvements. They look closer to their anime counterparts, and are much more visually appealing. I also have a problem with the UI, but that could be more of a personal problem as I don’t like the UI of most Visual Novels. To me it looks bland and kind of lifeless. The text is big and easy to read, but the UI itself just looks generic and uninspired. What doesn’t look bad, however, are the backgrounds. As a huge horror fan, I was really drawn in by how the background sets the mood of the VN perfectly. I don’t know the technical terms of it, but the blurred and kind of scratchy backgrounds are perfect for setting the mood of something like this. It gives the sense of calmness, with just that tinge of unease and I really have to applaud them for that. I don’t have much else to say in this department, the art is really good and the background work really is something to behold for a horror fan such as myself. I would just highly recommend keeping the updated models on.

Speaking of my inner horror fan loving something, let’s talk about the sound design. Higurashi When They Cry has been described as a “sound novel”, meaning it relies heavily on its sound effects and music as opposed to having voice acting. I have a love/hate relationship with this style. Sometimes it’s used really well, but others it’s just assaulting my ears with random explosions and screeching noises. I think Higurashi When They Cry Hou hits almost a good blend, though it does tend to be a bit much after a while. However, the music is really top notch. Especially anything with a synth and a guitar, those are especially top notch. I definitely recommend playing this game (as well as most horror games) with headphones on for the best experience. The daunting tones will really get to you after a while.

Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.6 Tsumihoroboshi Download For Macbook Pro

The mechanics are pretty simple here so I won’t go into too much detail. You don’t have choices, so it’s a very linear game and most of the time you’ll just be reading. The game supports four different resolutions with up-scaling: 640×480, 800×600, 1024×768, and full screen. However, since this is an older title, all of them will be in a 4:3 aspect ratio. You can hide the UI and text at will and this leads to some really nice capture moments. It’s a serviceable UI which, while looking a little boring, does the job it’s intended to do quite well. There are very few, if any, typos and everything looks to be working as intended.

DownloadHigurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.6 Tsumihoroboshi Download For Mac

Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.6 Tsumihoroboshi Download For Mac Os

Finally we get to the story which, to be honest, was the hardest part for me. I hadn’t played the other titles, I just watched the anime. So I had to do a bit of research from people who had previously played the other parts. Higurashi When They Cry Hou – Ch.6 Tsumihoroboshi is an answer arc, as the whole series is split into a series of question and answer arcs. This arc is the answer arc to the first arc Onikakushi-hen. Comparing it to the anime, it seems to be a little more tame, at least this arc, though it does have some fun twists and turns that I never saw coming. You follow Keiichi Maebara, a new kid in Hinamizawa, and his group of friends in 1980s Japan. Every four years, one person is murdered and one person goes missing just before the Watanagashi Festival. It’s a really interesting story that has a few genuinely good surprises in it. I really enjoyed my time with the game.

After playing for roughly 10ish hours, I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the game. There isn’t much in the way of replay value since the game is very linear, but that’s in no way a detriment to the game. For about $4 a chapter you get 10+ hours of enjoyment per chapter. If you ask me, I’d definitely try to get into this series if you can. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some catching up to do.

Review Score

Review copy provided by the publisher

First, check if your question is already answered in the following FAQs

  • Installer FAQ (for download/installer related problems)

If your question is not already answered, please do the following:

  1. Please fill in the below template and copy and paste it into ourDiscord Server
    in the #higu_support or #umi_support channel, after accepting the rules
    (You can also submit via Github Issues, see bottom of page)
  2. Please upload a screenshot of the bug, if applicable and spoiler tag it if it is a spoiler!
  3. Please always send your installer log file and submit it to discord - expand and follow the instructions below.

    The log file is invaluable for diagnosing install and game startup issues, but also tells us info about your game version and your install options which helps solve any issue.

    Getting Installer Log Files

    Finding the install log

    You can use any of the methods below to get your log file.

    Option 1: In your browser downloads after an install

    The installer automatically downloads .zip file containing your logs after an install finishes (or fails). Just check your recent browser downloads for a 07th-mod-logs.zip Red orchestra: ostfront 41-45 download for mac.

    Option 2: From the install launcher (Windows Only)

    • Open the install launcher
    • Click the ⯈ Advanced Tools expander
    • Click the Show Installer Logs button. An explorer window will appear containing the log files.
    • Send us the *.txt files by zipping all of them, or dragging them into Discord

    Option 3: Manual navigation


    If you saved the installer launcher to:


    your install logs would be located at:


    Linux and Mac

    Look directly in the install_dataINSTALLER_LOGS folder, as Linux and Mac do not have a launcher.

    Option 4: From the game folder

    The installer will also attempt to save a log to the game being modded. Use this method if you have moved or deleted the installer launcher, or if you want to check the log for a specific game.


    • For Umineko: The log will be placed directly in the game folder. Example:
    • For Higurashi: In the HigurashiEp0[X]_Data subfolder (where X is the chapter number). This is the same location as the game logs. Example:
      C:gamesSteamsteamappscommonHigurashi When They CryHigurashiEp01_DataMOD-INSTALLER-LOG-[date].txt

    Linux and Mac

    The installer may not always be able to place a log in the game folder, but you can check anyway. Look for a MOD-INSTALLER-LOG-[date].txt file in the game folder, or inside the HigurashiEp0[X]_Data subfolder.

  4. For Higurashi users with a game startup or crash issue, expand the instructions below to get your game log files.
    Getting Higurashi Log Files

    Game Log (output_log.txt)

    • On Windows:
      • For Chapters 1-7, the log is located in the HigurashiEp0X_Data folder, in the game folder. For example C:gamesSteamsteamappscommonHigurashi When They CryHigurashiEp01_Dataoutput_log.txt.
      • For Chapter 8, the log is located at
        %appdata%/./LocalLow/Mangagamer/Higurashi When They Cry - Ch.8 Matsuribayashi. The full path is something like
        C:Users[YOUR_USERNAME]AppDataLocalLowMangaGamerHigurashi When They Cry - Ch.8 Matsuribayashioutput_log.txt
    • On MacOS: /Users/<yourusername>/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log
      Access it by opening Finder, pressing Shift-Command-G, and pasting in ~/Library/Logs/Unity
    • On Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/MangaGamer/Higurashi When They Cry - Ch.5 Meakashi/Player.log (for chapter 5)
    Only if asked by the developers submit your save files by following the instructions below.
    Getting Higurashi Save Files

    Save Files (*.dat files)

    You may need to zip all the save files together before you submit them. Only submit if asked.

    • Windows: C:Users[YOUR_USERNAME]AppDataRoamingMangaGamerhigurashi01
    • MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/unity.MangaGamer.Higurashi When They Cry - Ch.1 Onikakushi
      Access it by opening Finder, pressing Shift-Command-G, and pasting in ~/Library/Application Support/, then selecting the appropriate game folder
    • Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Mangagamer/Higurashi When They Cry _ Ch_1 Onikakushi
  5. For Umineko users, only follow the instructions below if asked.
    Getting Umineko Log Files and Save Files

    Save Files

    • First check the mysav folder inside the game folder: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonUminekomysav
    • Occasionally can be found at the steam folder, even if the game is not in the steam folder: [PATH_TO_STEAM_FOLDER]SteamsteamappscommonUminekomysav (See this FAQ).

    Game Log

    1. Windows Instructions:
      • Start the game in Debug mode by double clicking Umineko1to4_DebugMode.bat or Umineko5to8_DebugMode.bat, located in the game folder.
      • An folder will immediately popup showing the stdout.txt and stderr.txt files, but don't submit them yet.
      • Play the game until you make game crash, then submit the stdout.txt and stderr.txt text files to us.
    2. On Linux or Mac you can view errors by launching the game from a console window

Submitting via Github Issues¶

If you don't want to use Discord, you can submit to the appropriate Github Issues page. We prefer Github for complicated bug reports and feature requests so we can keep track of them easier.

If you're unfamiliar with Github, this handy guide will teach you how to create a Github issue. Note that a Github Account is required to submit issues.

Higurashi Git IssuesUmineko Git IssuesOther Git Issues
Onikakushi Ch.1
Watanagashi Ch.2
Tatarigoroshi Ch.3
Himatsubushi Ch.4
Meakashi Ch.5
Tsumihoroboshi Ch.6
Minagoroshi Ch.7
Matsuribayashi Ch.8
Console Arcs
Umineko Question Arcs
Umineko Answer Arcs
Installer Issues
Wiki (mistakes, improvements)
Website (07th-mod.com)